Brierfield, Pendle - Safer, Greener, Healthier Streets project


Brierfield, Pendle 

This project includes various improvements to local streets within the area, focusing on Arthur Street and Walter Street (which form a north-south route through the area), and particularly the area in front of Pendle Primary Academy (on Walter Street). The redesign of the street environment along the Arthur Street-Walter Street route is intended to create a safer environment that makes it easier for people to walk, cycle or wheel to local destinations. 

The works will involve introducing walking, cycling, and wheeling safety improvement measures, which consist of raising the road to meet the kerb level (raised tables), with tactile paving at junctions and priority give ways. These measures are intended to help manage traffic flows and reduce speeds, prioritise pedestrians, and improve overall road safety. A new signal pedestrian and cyclist crossing on a raised table will be provided on Halifax Road to help people cross safely and to connect them to the town centre. 

Tree and shrub planting will be introduced at selected areas in the streets where the pavement has been widened, to improve greenery and the street scene. Additional seating will be provided at the existing green space areas along Burnley Road to enhance the space and make it more attractive for people to spend time there. 

The area in front of Pendle Primary Academy will be used to provide an area that supports the safety of parents and children walking to school, creating a pedestrian friendly and less car dominated environment with new trees, shrubbery, and seating. The existing paved space in front of the school will be enhanced by introducing tree and shrub planting and opening it up with access from Crabtree Street via a new set of stairs. 

A raised table will be provided at the existing crossing on Burnley Road at the southern end of Crabtree Street, which will aim to improve pedestrian safety and reduce traffic speeds.    

This image provides an illustration of some potential improvements for Brierfield, Pendle. To view the proposed designs for the project please click the link below:

Designs for Brierfield, Pendle - Safer, Greener, Healthier Streets project

Tell us what you think

Tell us what you think about this project and the wider Levelling Up East Lancashire programme.

Complete the survey

Please note there is just one survey covering the whole programme, with individual questions about each of the three projects. 


  • Anyone from any background


  • 2024 survey