Colne Road, Burnley - Safer, Greener, Healthier Streets project


This information was published during a public engagement survey exercise during July and August 2024. The draft design drawings provided are indicative only and are not the final designs. Final plans will be agreed later in the year with works due to commence in 2025. 


Colne Road, Burnley 

This project includes various improvements in sections of Colne Road, with the aim of improving pedestrian movement, access for the communities either side of the road, and to help address the issues of speeding motorists. Public space improvements will be focussed on the main shopping areas. 

The works will involve a series of interventions along the length of Colne Road, between the Hebrew Road junction at the southern end and the Casterton Road junction at the northern end.

At the Colne Road Hebrew Road junction, new pedestrian crossings facilities are proposed on all sides of the junction to allow pedestrians to cross more safely. An area of pavement would be widened to reduce the crossing width over Hebrew Road and to slow vehicles turning. 

The section of Colne Road to the south of St Andrew with St Margaret and St James Church will be subject to a number of changes, which will include reducing the wide roads to create more space for parking, a number of new pedestrian crossings, resurfacing of pavements to improve the appearance of the public space, and some tree planting. Dropped kerbs at Ribblesdale Street, Bar Street, Cobden Street, and Phesantford Street will be installed to improve access for pedestrians. A small area of new parking is proposed. 

At Murray Street Brennard Street, a new pedestrian crossing is proposed, and the road will be narrowed at the junctions. A new pedestrian crossing is also proposed at Disraeli Street by the Queensgate Islamic Centre. A new surface at the entrance to the bus depot will mark out a pedestrian route on this side of the street whilst still allowing buses into the depot.  A new pedestrian crossing over Colne Road at Peart Street will improve the link to the east to the hospital. 

The signalised junction at the Colne Road Casterton Street junction will be changed to improve the pedestrian crossing facilities, with crossing made possible across every road of the junction. 

This image provides an illustration of some potential improvements for Colne Road, Burnley. To view the proposed designs for the project please click the link below:

Designs for Colne Road, Burnley - Safer, Greener, Healthier Streets project

Tell us what you think

Tell us what you think about this project and the wider Levelling Up East Lancashire programme.

Complete the survey

Please note there is just one survey covering the whole programme, with individual questions about each of the three projects. 



  • Anyone from any background


  • 2024 survey