Nelson, Pendle - Accessible and Vibrant Town Centre project


Accessible Nelson, Pendle

This project will revitalise key areas within Nelson Town Centre through the use of quality paving, new planting and the inclusion of sustainable travel infrastructure. The project aims to make Nelson a more attractive place to live, visit, shop, invest and enjoy. Improving the experience for all town centre users, making it more accessible and providing better public spaces for people to spend time in.

Proposals start at the entrance into Nelson at the M65 Junction 13/Reedyford Interchange and continue along Scotland Road, New Scotland Road, Broadway and Manchester Road. Changes will include the introduction of shared use, segregated and on carriageway cycle facilities, the upgrade of footways using high quality materials and the introduction of planting and trees along the route. Proposals will be supported by the changes to traffic routing on a number of side streets including the creation of new one way streets or reversal of existing one way streets.

The entrance into Nelson along Scotland Road at the Reedyford Interchange will be enhanced to make the northern arrival point into the town centre more attractive, and the introduction of two formalised bus stops on Reedyford bridge will improve transport links. Additional measures along Scotland Road will be the introduction of cycle facilities and a number of new pedestrian and cyclist zebra crossings to make it easier and safer to cross Scotland Road, improving accessibility along key desire lines.

In the New Scotland Road area, the existing carriageway widths will be narrowed and the number of traffic lanes reduced. A new high quality surface will be installed and segregated cycle facilities will run parallel to the main carriageway of New Scotland Road. The environment in this area will be significantly enhanced with the creation of large amounts of planting and pedestrian facilities that are separated from traffic and vehicles by landscaped areas.

At the Scotland Road / Leeds Road junction existing traffic signals will be removed and replaced with a non-signalised roundel with new parallel zebra (cycle and pedestrian) crossings introduced on all of the junctions arms which will link into existing cycle facilities. Kerblines will be amended to narrow the carriageway and create widened shared use footways to accommodate both walking and cycling, alongside new street trees and planting.

The Sagar Street / Holme Street junction will remain as a mini roundabout, but with some improvements including wider footways to accommodate both walking and cycling and new zebra type crossings for use by pedestrians and cyclists.

Alterations will be made to the layout of the Sagar Street car park. This will allow for dedicated cycle track facilities to be provided towards Netherfield Road. The road width along Broadway will be reduced, with more space made available for walking, cycling, and tree planting.

Access for pedestrians and cyclists between the bus and railway interchange and the town centre will be improved. A new toucan crossing will be provided to make it easier and safer for people to cross Broadway and access amenities on both sides of the road. Railway Street will remain two way, but the road will be narrowed to provide wider pavements with cycle provision on the western side linking to the interchange. Access to the businesses on Railway Street and for drop-off at the interchange will be retained. The pedestrianised routes around and through the shopping precinct will also become accessible for cyclists to improve cycle connectivity.

The existing traffic signals at the Manchester Road / Broadway junction will be removed and replaced with an un-signalled roundabout. Crossing facilities for pedestrians and cyclists will be provided on all arms of the junction. Manchester Road will be narrowed to create space for cycling. This road narrowing, use of enhanced materials, gateway features and tree planting will create an improved look and feel for the western entrance to Nelson.

To assist with traffic movements on residential streets to the north of Manchester Road proposals also include making Mosley Street one-way northbound and Albert Street one-way southbound.

This image provides an illustration of some potential improvements for Nelson, Pendle. To view the proposed designs for the project please click the link below:

Designs for Nelson, Pendle - Accessible and Vibrant Town Centre project

Tell us what you think

Tell us what you think about this project and the wider Levelling Up East Lancashire programme.

Complete the survey

Please note there is just one survey covering the whole programme, with individual questions about each of the three projects. 


  • Public Drop In Event - Nelson Library

    From 28 Aug 2024 at 15:30 to 28 Aug 2024 at 18:30

    Drop in event to view the Accessible and Vibrant Town Centre proposals for Nelson, Pendle.

    Venue: Nelson Library, Market Square, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 7PU


  • Anyone from any background


  • 2024 survey