Levelling Up East Lancashire survey 2024
We want to know what you think of the proposals for the Levelling Up East Lancashire programme and the difference they will make.
The programme has been designed to improve everyday life for East Lancashire's residents by delivering projects that create opportunities through safe, greener and healthier travel.
Lancashire County Council has been working closely with local communities in Burnley, Hyndburn, Pendle and Rossendale to develop the detailed plans, and thanks to everyone who has taken part so far.
All residents and stakeholders across Lancashire are being asked to share their views on the proposals through this survey.
Have you seen our plans?
If you haven't already, please take a look at the information about the plans before completing the survey - available here.
Why your views matter
We want to hear your views before we submit the final proposal to government later this year. This feedback will help us shape the final plans.
- Anyone from any background
- Active Travel
- Public Transport
- Highways
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