Levelling Up East Lancashire
Creating opportunities through safer, greener, and healthier travel
Thank you
Thank you to everyone who has been involved in developing our detailed proposals for our Levelling Up East Lancashire programme.
Our £55m Levelling Up Fund will improve everyday life for East Lancashire's residents by providing better local travel options, easier access to jobs and services, and support for our local economies.
Working closely with local communities and stakeholders we have developed detailed plans to deliver an ambitious programme of projects across Burnley, Hyndburn, Pendle and Rossendale.
The feedback that we received from everyone who attended events or route visits, and responded to engagement surveys, has helped us to adapt and improve plans to deliver what matters most to local people. Our detailed proposals will be submitted to government later this year to agree funding for the programme.
All residents and stakeholders across Lancashire are being asked to share their views on the proposals through a short online survey which closes on 02 September 2024 (extended from 19 August).
What will the Levelling Up East Lancashire programme deliver?
The Levelling Up East Lancashire programme will deliver a range of improvements through three connected projects:
- Safer, Greener, Healthier Streets.
- Accessible and Vibrant Town Centres.
- Public Transport Improvements.
The improvements planned through these three projects aim to provide:
- faster and more reliable bus journeys.
- safer and more accessible streets.
- access to better jobs, pay, and living standards.
- more attractive & busy town centres.
- enhanced public and green spaces to spend time in.
The ambitious programme is made up of £5m funding from Lancashire County Council and an indicative £50m awarded by government in 2023 for investment in specific areas. More information about how the areas were carefully selected the project ideas developed in partnership with local communities is available here.
Our proposals have been carefully developed to ensure a strategic and joined up approach to delivering improvements across Lancashire, and these plans complement wider investment projects being delivered across the county and at district level.
What is happening in each area?
To find out more about the Levelling Up East Lancashire projects planned for each district, click on the links below or select a location on the map.
This is an interactive map.
An Ordnance Survey map of East Lancashire displaying the districts Burnley, Hyndburn, Pendle and Rossendale